Thursday, November 26, 2009

is the acoustic version of your favourite song still considered your favourite song?

so i guess i should start off with a big SORRY. to everyone. i know i've been a constant no-nonsense, grade-A, slap-deserving bitch of monumental proportions for the past few weeks or so. i honestly don't know what happened. sometimes you just lose yourself, you know. and it's ugly and uncomfortable, but there's really nothing you can do but to ride it out. i guess that's what a hangover is supposed to feel like. i don't know what being nasty has to do with having a hangover, but there you go.

i'm glad we're given a few days off. i was starting to get annoyed with...everything.

in light of recent ah, events, i've realized that some things about me just have to change. specifically speaking, i need to talk more. i honestly don't usually have the urge to report to anyone about what i did that day, what i ate, what i thought about that test or whatever, but i guess it's a good place to start. the small things, i mean. before moving on to the bigger things, to the orbit-changing, heart-tugging matters. because i realize now that it is necessary. talking to others. for me, because i often now feel like i'm about to explode under the weight of it all. and for others, because sometimes it is important to let people know the little things, even if it is just to return the favour. and also because i don't want to seem like a bad friend because i don't tell them stuff. i never had the intention! it's just hard. for me. to, you know, tell stuff. not good with talking and all that. but yeah. i just want everyone (you) to know that i do feel things. wonderful things, unimportant things, bad things, it's just that i don't verbalize them too often. but it doesn't mean it isn't (wasn't) real.

okay. that was a long paragraph. i doubt anyone read that, but in any case: thanks for reading. and selamat hari raya aidiladha, have fun spending time with family. (and here i am, thinking, this is the last time i.... but i should just. stop. and just do. because nothing else matters anyway. the future, it's an uncertain fickle thing.) happy studying as well! which reminds me, i have no idea where my biology notes are. it is distressing, to say the least.


Anonymous said...

Hahah.. kinda obvious!~ Still love ya though. *kiss2*

sarah said...

what is? me being in a foul mood? :p

Anonymous said...

Wow - everyone has someone been in a foul mood. Yet,its understandable. Oh and by the way Sarah,this is Zalikha with my new site - link me up! :)

Anonymous said...

to answer the question, yes, i guess the acoustic version of your favourite song is still considered your favourite song.

u are a wonderful person, talking or not. (some)people understand anyway(most of the time). plus u do crap. sometimes. mostly because i did. hell it doesn't matter. crapping or not, u are sapir to me. and that is nice enough. :)

sarah y said...

zalikha- yeah i'm hoping it's just a phase that'll pass soon :p and hi hi! i was wondering where you disappeared to! :D

(s)he who must not be named- hello. i think you're cool. ♥

Anonymous said...


you've just addressed the extreme complexities of 'opening up' into simple sentences.
something i've never been able to do.
