Monday, November 15, 2010

kantoi satu, kantoi semua.

it's a good thing i use the same password for everything.

kadang-kadang rasa menyampah dengan diri sendiri. bila lapar, bukannya nak masak (sebab terlalu malas). bila rasa sunyi, bukannya nak pergi buat kawan. bila ada assignment, bukannya nak buat. perangai tak berubah-ubah. sometimes there's just this big build up, an excitement that is supposed to paramount to a wonderful climax. fireworks, and the whole shebang. kononnya a new scenery will bring new and welcomed changes. but the truth is, everything's essentially the same, and although the familiarity is comforting, it's also a little disappointing.

why is it that every time i decide to write an entry, mesti masa tengah emotional. it gives a skewed view that i am a really emotional person. contrary, i'm not, i'm rather heartless actually. ha. ha. ha. today is the 14th of november, in a few days it will mark two months of me being in the youuu-kayyy. in a few days, it will also be eid ul adha. tipulah kalau cakap tak sedih. padahal masa kat malaysia, time kena balik kampung mesti nak merungut- kat kampung tak ada internet lah, kena beratur panjang pagi-pagi untuk mandi air sejuk lah, kena buat kerja kat dapur lah. hah, i'd trade this with the chaos of being with family any day.

OBVIOUSLY judging by how this post is kind of all over the place, it should give you an indication of my current state of mind. ie, not very well. please excuse me while i wipe the tears before they seep into my keyboard because it would not work out very well for me if my computer decides to malfunction before i finish researching my behavioural science assignment. sekian, berita.

edit- blogger is still on malaysian time. sedih tak terkata-kata.


a traveller, a seeker said...

:( sedihhh..


as like IB, those years will just flow by without us realising it. so, be happy...make friends. eat good food. and look and learn from your surroundings.

p/s: word veri aku 'stiong'..makes me think of squid..aku rindu sea food! T_T

wawa said...

saraaaah. i feeel youuuu. ='( i thot i was the only one emotional lately. seems that a lot of us are. owh. HUGS!!! jangan nangis sorang sorang. calling calling la. unlimited calls kan=) hehehe. stay strong sarah! and slamat hari raya!

Anonymous said...

Sasa... this post left me speechless (although im writing now... -_-!). Yeah, sedih.

U emo, im here.

Always remember that.
